

  Credits: The Asian Age India is currently home to 194 million undernourished people, according to the World Food Programme. That’s THRICE the entire population of France. Malnutrition is the condition that develops when the body is deprived of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients it needs to maintain healthy tissues and organ function. Malnutrition occurs in people who are either undernourished or overnourished. Poor diet, digestive issues, or another disease are all possible causes. Fatigue, dizziness, and weight loss are common symptoms. Malnutrition, if left untreated, can result in physical or mental disability. Child malnutrition is a chronic issue and a long-standing challenge for India’s public administration. In India, the prevalence of malnutrition and its negative effects on children is alarming. According to a UNICEF report, malnutrition is the cause of 69 percent of deaths among children under the age of five in India, with every second child suffering from some fo...

MMM Clubs

  We the Hunger Helpers got an ingenious idea in order to attain sustainability, we created Make Meals Matter Clubs! Yes, that's right! We created a student led, in-school club. The chief intention why we created the Make Meals Matter club was that even after the Core Team (us, the founders) graduate school, mmm will go on. The clubs had been launched on 16th August 2021. Up till now we have had 3 club meetings with all the members collectively. The club members are the newest edition of the Make Meals Matter do-gooder family. In the first session we introduced mmm, showcased our achievements, The clubs had been launched on 16th August 2021. Up till now we have had 3 club meetings with all the members collectively. The club members are the newest edition of the Make Meals Matter do-gooder family. In the first session we introduced mmm, showcased our achievements, talked about GSL and the competition, explained the 17 Sustainable Goals, and hosted a grand opening of the club. T...

The New MMM Year!

Make Meals Matter incessantly grew with progress in midst of a deadly pandemic. The ongoing situation and the United Nations Sustainable Goals unaccomplished despite our mighty endeavors are now threatening problems lingering around causing a lot of ill effects daily! MMM along with SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) has set it's bar up, and planned to incorporate 3 goals which be SDG 3 (Good Health and Well Being), SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) and SDG 17 (Partnerships For The Goals). Further, to attain all the Sustainable Goals by 2030, we will blissfully provide our complete efforts and absolute dedication. Witnessing the progression and achievements of Make Meals Matter we unequivocally proclaim that we will continue the project Make Meals Matter. Conditions regarding Covid-19 are getting worse, and regulations made further austere, this month we were unable to visit the orphanage. With the children anxiously awaiting our arrival and we team members mightily worried about n...


  Image Credit: It's been a year since hundreds and millions of young children from all around the world, speaking different languages, inheriting bewildering cultures, all global leaders motivated and vehement to bring a change in the world have taken part in this competition. Here we are celebrating the end of this year's splendid GSL competition, along with the but good deeds and noble acts performed to provide the necessities globally. It was Global Social Leaders who supported us to vocalize our ideas in a sophisticated and serious manner. They gave us the power to lead small organizations on an international platform, to begin an inception of big changes with small steps. A feeling of exhilaration filled us when we knew that someone out there thinks that our ideas and thoughts matter. We were more than glad to know that people do think that we, the youth of the society can a...

Our First Food Drive!

  Our first food drive was highly inspirational for us hunger helpers. It was a beautiful experience of feeding the needy, we were so glad that we got to view their expressions, reactions and helpful responses. As we approached them, enthusiasm arose and drifted around infecting each one of us! When they possessed the knowledge of our movement they were exhilarating. They had an adrenalin rush! They were thrilled to find out that they were receiving food for one whole month. At first, we had butterflies in our stomachs as we had never done this before, and didn't have the slightest clue of how this was going to go on about. We reached the Worli slum, and in the blink of an eye, there were long lines formed, with huddling people. In the light blow of breeze, beads of sweat trickled down our faces. The boxes weighed 15 kg each when there we came to a conclusion that we certainly weren't bodybuilders, and our stringy arms did not have what it needed to pick those large, hefty boxe...

Zero Wastage

Most of us here know what zero waste is; we know that it is a term which is used to indicate the prevention of resources, the avoidance of unnecessary wastage, following the 3 R's (Reuse, Reduce and Recycle). The result that is expected while following these criteria and ideas is to let the least amount of trash, waste, and garbage reach landfills. Now how can we do that, I am not going to reuse a wet, worn-out plastic bag to store my hygienic and freshly bought fruits! Well of course not!  Image Credit: But to follow the rules of zero wastage and also keep in mind the cleanliness and hygiene disciplines, you simply have to not let the product or object turn into waste. That's all you need to do! Thus, to reuse different types of bags several times for various purposes you're ought to keep the bags in a suita...

Make Meals Matter movement to eradicate hunger!

  Make Meals Matter is our contribution to zero hunger. Make Meals Matter is a movement to eradicate hunger. Make Meals Matter also known as “MMM”, intends to spread hope and courage among ravenous and famished people. Its vision is to fill empty stomachs and fulfil one basic necessity of life-food. Global social leaders (GSL) competition focusses on the  United Nations Global Goals for sustainable development. It is a chance for young and spirited children to change the world for the better. We the hunger helpers plan to annihilate zero hunger by purchasing healthy and hygienic grains with the help of effective and creative fundraising, to hand over to people who are unable to cope with the rapidly increasing economy. Zero hunger is one of the 17 Sustainable Goals. It eliminates malnutrition, the scarcity and the desperately of food. Zero hunger is prominent as it creates a positive impact on economies, health, education, equality, social development etc, and gradually...