Zero Wastage

Most of us here know what zero waste is; we know that it is a term which is used to indicate the prevention of resources, the avoidance of unnecessary wastage, following the 3 R's (Reuse, Reduce and Recycle). The result that is expected while following these criteria and ideas is to let the least amount of trash, waste, and garbage reach landfills. Now how can we do that, I am not going to reuse a wet, worn-out plastic bag to store my hygienic and freshly bought fruits! Well of course not! 

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But to follow the rules of zero wastage and also keep in mind the cleanliness and hygiene disciplines, you simply have to not let the product or object turn into waste. That's all you need to do! Thus, to reuse different types of bags several times for various purposes you're ought to keep the bags in a suitable environment and appropriate manner. If this plastic bag is put in a drawer of bags, then it would never end up in a landfill. It's that simple you see, we just need to be careful of our actions. That way you'll be organized and always know where to find a bag!

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There are different types of wastage, and there are different problems and solutions for each of them. One of the most prominent types is Food Waste! A lot of people have started making zero food waste meals. A zero food waste meal is extremely beneficial. It saves money, time, energy, resources, prevents waste, contributes to the famous "Stop Pollution" movements, longs the Earth's life span and makes this world a better place to live in. Another astonishing aspect is what effect it brings over your mind. Traits like mindfulness, wisdom, thoughtfulness, etc seep in while this on-going process takes place frequently and regularly in your lives.

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The practice and habit of zero-wastage are mutually beneficial to the citizens and the Earth. Lately food waste has turned into a complex phenomenon causing alarm amongst scientists, researchers, consumers, manufacturers, producers etc. When food wastage occurs it results in biodiversity loss, which leads to obstacles in agricultural activities as well as animal tillage. 

Wastage of fertile land areas takes place as technically half third of the crops that are grown supplied to all over the world and then they come on your plate, at last, a few of them rot in this process, and the ones which are served half of that is thrown away! So at last much of the crops grown on the farm were wasted and spoilt by the exhausting process and by our careless approach.

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Food waste leads to severe economic consequences. According to FAO’s report estimates, the economic losses associated with food wastage is about $750 billion per annum. The food that goes to landfills is evaluated to be equivalent 3.3 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions, furthermore escalating and increasing the impacts of climate change. Research and investigation reflect that food waste is the third biggest emitter of greenhouse gases.

Reducing rates of food waste is prominent as it helps fill people's stomachs with a proper meal and not only scraps.

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 Along with that, it's not only food that goes to waste, hard work, time, and money the most precious things go in waste. 

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 If all countries come together with a strong will to defunct zero hunger, then we can make it happen, because it starts with you! You are a contribution to the waste and towards zero hunger. 

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The above graph provides a lot of information and statistics which will make you realize the importance of zero food waste. It is too vital importance that edible food should be kept out of landfills and into stomachs. So that it reduces household food bills, reduces disposal costs for restaurants, processors and farmers. Lowers levels of gas emissions and carbon footprints. Most important conserve energy and resources and prevents pollution.

So let's not waste and collect and reuse and store and recycle and reduce; for the future generations and our mother earth.

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