

Credits: The Asian Age

India is currently home to 194 million undernourished people, according to the World Food Programme. That’s THRICE the entire population of France.

Malnutrition is the condition that develops when the body is deprived of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients it needs to maintain healthy tissues and organ function. Malnutrition occurs in people who are either undernourished or overnourished. Poor diet, digestive issues, or another disease are all possible causes. Fatigue, dizziness, and weight loss are common symptoms. Malnutrition, if left untreated, can result in physical or mental disability.

Child malnutrition is a chronic issue and a long-standing challenge for India’s public administration. In India, the prevalence of malnutrition and its negative effects on children is alarming. According to a UNICEF report, malnutrition is the cause of 69 percent of deaths among children under the age of five in India, with every second child suffering from some form of malnutrition. As of October 14, 2021, the Women and Child Development Ministry estimate 17.76 lakh severely acute malnourished (SAM) children and 15.46 lakh moderately acute malnourished (MAM) children.


Ways to prevent malnutrition are:
1.) Consume at least five portions of a variety of veggies and fruits every single day.
2.) Milk and milk products, eggs, lean meat, and fish:
Always choose lower fat and lower food products when it comes to milk and milk products. Reduce your consumption of red and processed meat. Eat two portions of oily fish from sustainable sources once a week.
3.) Eat more pulses and choose wholegrain or high fiber with less amount of fat, sugar, and salt.
4.) Choose unsaturated oil. Make sure to use them in small amounts.
5.) Solid fats, carbohydrates, and salt should be consumed in moderation. If dietary adjustments aren’t supplying enough nutrients, supplement shakes or other nutritional supplements can help.
6.) Excercise 3-4 times a week.

But what can we as citizens of the world can do? Each and every one of us, what can we do?
We can…
1.) Improve agriculture to boost incomes:- Farming is a common source of income for the poorest people. Many smallholder farmers, on the other hand, live far from markets where they may sell their produce for a profit. They encounter obstacles such as a lack of credit, money, and the necessary skills to improve their yield.

To ensure that farmers have access to economic opportunities through agriculture, we collaborate with a variety of partners, ranging from the private sector to universities and civil society organizations, to ensure that smallholder farmers have the support, know-how, and resources they need to succeed.

2.) Educating people on health and nutrition.

3.) Empowering women in agriculture:- Women’s empowerment to create companies can assist ensure that their families have enough money to eat. Female farmers in Haiti are now able to feed their families, expand their enterprises, and invest for their children’s futures, despite being chronically food insecure.

4.) Meeting Immediate Needs:- We also support communities in need with humanitarian aid. In emergency situations, such as the aftermath of a natural disaster, we provide in-kind food, cash transfers, or food vouchers to satisfy communities’ immediate food and nutrition requirements.

And the most important and most convenient for each of us across the world would be…
5.) Hand out meals/ untouched remnants of your meal for hunger-stricken people in an orphanage, people on streets anyone finally deprived, any workers you see around (ie. construction workers on the streets), and even helpers around us we see daily such as watchmen, gardeners and maids.



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