MMM Clubs

 We the Hunger Helpers got an ingenious idea in order to attain sustainability, we created Make Meals Matter Clubs! Yes, that's right! We created a student led, in-school club. The chief intention why we created the Make Meals Matter club was that even after the Core Team (us, the founders) graduate school, mmm will go on.

The clubs had been launched on 16th August 2021. Up till now we have had 3 club meetings with all the members collectively. The club members are the newest edition of the Make Meals Matter do-gooder family. In the first session we introduced mmm, showcased our achievements, The clubs had been launched on 16th August 2021. Up till now we have had 3 club meetings with all the members collectively. The club members are the newest edition of the Make Meals Matter do-gooder family. In the first session we introduced mmm, showcased our achievements, talked about GSL and the competition, explained the 17 Sustainable Goals, and hosted a grand opening of the club.

The second session was especially fruitful. We started with brainstorming fundraising ideas that we would enjoy organizing, as well as a few activities that will help club members in planning and going about with their project.

The third session was an inventive conclave where the motivated mmm members used their skills and created pieces of work that were a fusion of design and literature. They were assigned to design posters or pen any piece of writing or even incorporate both in regards to zero hunger or zero wastage. Here are a few works made by them...

Furthermore weekly meetings will enhance our progress and help us all to reach to our goal. We are confident that we will be successful to guide the club members and boost their creativity and planning skills. Also we are sure our young, determined leaders will perform till the best of their potential. Wish the Hunger Helpers your best! 



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