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It's been a year since hundreds and millions of young children from all around the world, speaking different languages, inheriting bewildering cultures, all global leaders motivated and vehement to bring a change in the world have taken part in this competition. Here we are celebrating the end of this year's splendid GSL competition, along with the but good deeds and noble acts performed to provide the necessities globally.

It was Global Social Leaders who supported us to vocalize our ideas in a sophisticated and serious manner. They gave us the power to lead small organizations on an international platform, to begin an inception of big changes with small steps. A feeling of exhilaration filled us when we knew that someone out there thinks that our ideas and thoughts matter. We were more than glad to know that people do think that we, the youth of the society can also contribute hugely to make the Earth a safe and joyful place to reside within. 

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 GSL believed in us and gave us flourishing opportunities to extricate living organisms of all kinds from all ranges of challenges. Help the poverty-stricken, bless the hungry with nutrition, rescue underwater animals from toxic substances, deplete the difference between men and women, stabilize economies financially, self-encouragement, making decisions that bring along peace after justice, providing the right of education to all wonderful citizens of the world and a lot more things to work and improvise upon.

It has been one year since Make Meals Matter has put in tremendous efforts to exterminate obstacles to a peaceful and sustainable world benefiting everyone and everything. We are sure that we strong-willed leaders together have made huge changes by prioritizing our projects over many other things and considering them more as life-saving ideas and our duty and honor towards planet earth and all the people around us!

This healthy competition has made us realize the capability of open-mindedness, and that the power of change lies within us and if we wholeheartedly, devoted work towards a cause we could have massive impacts internationally.  

We are all ardent changemakers no matter the age, if there is a will there is passion all we have to do is ignite it and help the universe and the coming generations with a kind heart and determined mind, let's make a change for our beloved ones and convey our gratefulness by actions to our home, our planet. We have gotten a lot of help, it's out turn to provide our service in return for the humble and warm hospitality of Earth.

This competition may be over but the UN Sustainable goals are still not achieved and we are endeavoring to accomplish them by 2030. This is only possible with your help and efforts. This is only possible if we all work together. GSL is a platform that has helped launch our ideas into the real world and for that, we're utterly grateful. :)  


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