
Showing posts from January, 2021

Our First Food Drive!

  Our first food drive was highly inspirational for us hunger helpers. It was a beautiful experience of feeding the needy, we were so glad that we got to view their expressions, reactions and helpful responses. As we approached them, enthusiasm arose and drifted around infecting each one of us! When they possessed the knowledge of our movement they were exhilarating. They had an adrenalin rush! They were thrilled to find out that they were receiving food for one whole month. At first, we had butterflies in our stomachs as we had never done this before, and didn't have the slightest clue of how this was going to go on about. We reached the Worli slum, and in the blink of an eye, there were long lines formed, with huddling people. In the light blow of breeze, beads of sweat trickled down our faces. The boxes weighed 15 kg each when there we came to a conclusion that we certainly weren't bodybuilders, and our stringy arms did not have what it needed to pick those large, hefty boxe...

Zero Wastage

Most of us here know what zero waste is; we know that it is a term which is used to indicate the prevention of resources, the avoidance of unnecessary wastage, following the 3 R's (Reuse, Reduce and Recycle). The result that is expected while following these criteria and ideas is to let the least amount of trash, waste, and garbage reach landfills. Now how can we do that, I am not going to reuse a wet, worn-out plastic bag to store my hygienic and freshly bought fruits! Well of course not!  Image Credit: But to follow the rules of zero wastage and also keep in mind the cleanliness and hygiene disciplines, you simply have to not let the product or object turn into waste. That's all you need to do! Thus, to reuse different types of bags several times for various purposes you're ought to keep the bags in a suita...